How do the gift cards work

We have traditional and electronic gift cards. You can pay with a gift card in our physical store as well as online.

To use the gift card, you need the number and the code mentioned on the card.
  • You can choose the value of the gift card freely.
  • Gift cards are paid right away, and they can also be used from that moment.
  • The right of exchange and return does not apply to gift cards.
  • The value of the gift card cannot be exchanged for money.
Physical gift cards are delivered by post, or you can buy them directly from our physical store. Physical gift cards will be delivered to you also by e-mail in PDF format if you give your e-mail address (or the e-mail address of the person for whom you are buying the gift card) when you are making the order. Electronic gift cards are delivered only by e-mail.

You will have access to your PDF gift cards when you log in to our website with your e-mail address. By logging in, you can also check the remaining balances of your gift cards. If you forget your login password or the codes of the card, contact us and we will send them to you by e-mail.

It is easy to give a gift card as a present, just write the e-mail and/or street address of the recipient in the delivery information at the check-out.

If the sum of your shopping cart is smaller than the value of the gift card, you can use the remaining balance later. You can also use multiple gift cards to pay one order. The value of the gift card is reduced only at the stage when you make the order at the check-out.

Buy a gift card
I have a gift card
”Kouluttajalla oli laaja työkokemus koulutettavasta asiasta ja hänen käytännön esimerkkinsä olivat hyviä.”
”Koulutus antoi edes pienen ymmärryksen siitä mitä esim. skitsofreenikon päässä voi tapahtua.”
”Pisti miettimään asioita taas kerran vaikka asiat sinänsä tuttuja. Luennoitsijat hyviä ja käytännönläheisiä.”
”Kouluttajien kertomat tositilanteet ja toimintatavat tilanteissa, koska käytännön esimerkeillä turvallisuusasiatkin avautuvat parhaiten.”
”Kokonaisuutena oli hyvä. Oli esimerkkejä vaaratilanteista joita ei ollut itse ajatellutkaan että pitää ottaa huomioon.”
”Huumorintajuiset kouluttajat ja oikeasta elämästä otettuja esimerkkejä.”